Category Archives: Desserts

Peach Bellini Cupcakes

Peach Bellini Cupcakes

I made these pretty cupcakes for my friend Emily’s bridal shower last weekend. I was really excited to write up the post where I talked all about our friendship, intermingled with pictures of all the good times we’ve had over the years. Minor hitch – this friendship appears to be entirely undocumented on film, digital… [click for recipe and more]

Butterscotch Blondies

Butterscotch Blondies

If you’re a regular around here, you may have noticed the blog has gotten a bit of a facelift this week. Here are a few new things you’ll see: Look up for the new Recipe pulldown menu for easy navigation to each recipe category. I should have done this ages ago, but hey, it’s there… [click for recipe and more]

Classic Chocolate Frosting

Classic Chocolate Frosting

As a baker, you don’t tend to hear a lot of complaints about cupcakes. What’s to complain about? Hi, I made you a tiny individualized cake! The only thing I sometimes hear – and agree with – is that the frosting is too sweet. There seems to be a bit of a rock and a… [click for recipe and more]